‘KEDI has transformed my life from a broke banker to a multi-millionaire. I am a multiple award-winning KEDI Consultant, I am a Travel Awardee, I have won two cars courtesy KEDI Car Award, I am a Villa Awardee and my monthly bonuses are unbelievable. My KEDI journey has been awesome and I specially invite you to join KEDI today and change your life’. Start your week with this testimony from one of our Top Leaders and always remember that as an organization, we remain committed to your growth and wellness. Join us today and transform your life with our unique offerings🙏IF MR. MUFUTAU CAN DO IT, WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE???


“Out of frustration, I left my former Network Marketing Company after 7 years with nothing to show and joined KEDI in 2015. I focused my time on the business like my life depends on it and within one year of joining KEDI, I got a car cortesy KEDI Car Award Promo, this fueled me up the more. In 2017, me and 19 members of my team qualified for an all- expense paid trip to UAE. During KEDI 2018 Car Award Ceremony, me and my team members were awarded with cars. In 2019, 26 members of my team qualified for an all-expense paid trip to United Arab Emirates. In 2022 I was awarded another car. Honestly, my achievements are innumerable. KEDI is indeed the best platform for growth, join us today”. Join KEDI today and enjoy the true meaning of financial freedom!


‘KEDI has transformed my life from a broke banker to a multi-millionaire. I am a multiple award-winning KEDI Consultant, I am a Travel Awardee, I have won two cars courtesy KEDI Car Award, I am a Villa Awardee and my monthly bonuses are unbelievable. My KEDI journey has been awesome and I specially invite you to join KEDI today and change your life’. Start your week with this testimony from one of our Top Leaders and always remember that as an organization, we remain committed to your growth and wellness. Join us today and transform your life with our unique offerings🙏IF MR. MUFUTAU CAN DO IT, WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE???


“Out of frustration, I left my former Network Marketing Company after 7 years with nothing to show and joined KEDI in 2015. I focused my time on the business like my life depends on it and within one year of joining KEDI, I got a car cortesy KEDI Car Award Promo, this fueled me up the more. In 2017, me and 19 members of my team qualified for an all- expense paid trip to UAE. During KEDI 2018 Car Award Ceremony, me and my team members were awarded with cars. In 2019, 26 members of my team qualified for an all-expense paid trip to United Arab Emirates. In 2022 I was awarded another car. Honestly, my achievements are innumerable. KEDI is indeed the best platform for growth, join us today”. Join KEDI today and enjoy the true meaning of financial freedom!

What's Kedi All About?

KEDI Healthcare is a wholly owned subsidiary of KEDI Healthcare industries (Hong Kong) Ltd. Located in Hong Kong, the word’s famous free trade port, financial center and special administrative region of the people’s republic of china. It is a giant conglomerate with business interests in pharmaceutical sectors in china. Its subsidiaries include KEDI Healthcare industries (Nigeria) Ltd, Vitanature Healthcare industries (Ghana) Ltd, and Vitanature international Inc. (USA)


Making people’s lives better by unleashing the power of healthcare, KEDI Healthcare aims to setup Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Factory, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Chinese Herbal Medicine Research Institute Worldwide.


KEDI Healthcare is a business with tangible products. It is the best market place with different array of products. These are products that have been tried and tested and approved by appropriate bodies and agencies. It is a networking or Multi-Level Marketing business that allows you to achieve tremendous financial gains through the amazing multiplying effects of working together as a unit to build an enterprise. Join this winning team today and be part of what works.

Kedi Business Model

It is the best decision for you to consider partnering with KEDI Healthcare to become an international distributor of this great company. It means you are ready to take control of your life, be financially independent and improve your standard of living to provide your family a secured future. KEDI provides you a unique modern business which is completely different from the traditional business.


Involvement of middleman is a norm in every business. In traditional business and distribution channels, the profit made on sale of a product is divided up among wholesalers, retailers, local and regional distributors and advertisers. This goes on and on, which drastically reduce take home profit and increase product cost.

Instead of using traditional channel, KEDI Healthcare sells directly to her distributors, who in turn sell directly to their customers. This direct sales approach allows our distributors to have a wider profit margin (more profit) as they serve their customers better with more personalized service.

See Kedi Amazing Growth & Expansion

It is wisdom to be part of what is growing and expanding. Join a business that is active and alive and see yourself scaling heights.


This is a very big opportunity to partner with a multi-national company that has helped many individuals with their business networks. 

Multi-source Income

Sustainable income from different sources such as 20% Company bonus, 20% Sales Profit, Multilevel bonuses, etc

Secured Future

This is another big reason why you need to join Kedi business. Access to Kedi mutual fund and HMO plan

Villa & Car Award

Improved standard of living with Kedi villa and car award. Kedi business is higly rewarding in many ways.

Scholarship Award

Your children are giving scholarship to further their education globally. This is incredible!

Travels & Tours

With Kedi you have access to free international travels for global exposure

Free Training

We have centers across Nigeria where you can be trained free of charge on how to run the business effectively.


Kedi’s vision is to make people’s life better by unleashing the power of healthcare. In Kedi business, every effort counts and has a reward attached to it. Earning 1% of 100 people’s efforts is better and make you closer to your goals than earning 100% of your own effort


Click the button below to watch how Kedi business has transformed a lot of lives all across Africa. This is. abusiness anyone can do irrespective of your education, tribe, religion or location.  I believe the  testimonies of these ones will motivate you. Check yourself now.

Website Owned By Kedi Partner KN801633. 2023. All Rights Reserved. Site Design By: UPTECH

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