HomeFAQ : Registration

FAQ : Registration

Finally, you too can partner with a multi-national company who has helped many to secure financial freedom. Kedi is the partner we trust

1. How do I register to become a KEDI distributor?

ANSWER: To register as a KEDI distributor, you can visit our Training Centre at 115 Baale Animashaun Road, Dalemo Alakuko Lagos or any service center across the country to get the Application Form. Fill and sign the Application Form properly, pay the requisite registration fee and collect your registration kit package. Once your Application Form is submitted to the Head Office and your information is inputted into the system, you are successfully registered as a KEDI distributor.  Or you can contact us on +2349042871159

2. What are the criteria for becoming a KEDI distributor?

ANSWER: To join KEDI Healthcare and become a distributor, you must be aged 18 years old and above residing in Nigeria or you have attained the age of majority in your country of residence, you can visit our Head Office or any of our Training Centres (Branch Offices), Service Centres or Regional Offices nationwide to get the Application Form, fill and sign the Application Form properly, pay the requisite registration fee and collect your registration kit package.

3. Must I provide all information on the Application Form?

ANSWER: All required information on the Application Form are mandatory and they should be filled correctly otherwise, your details will not be inputted into the system. If your details are not inputted, your registration will not be completed, and you will not be able to enjoy all subsequent benefits of being a KEDI distributor.

4. How much should I pay for the registration?

ANSWER: The registration fee is 8,200 Naira.

5. Who is a Sponsor?

ANSWER: A Sponsor is someone who introduces a prospect into KEDI business, a Sponsor is also known as an upline.

6. I got to know about KEDI Healthcare through a friend, but she did not encourage me to register, when I knew details about the business, I am eager to join, can I choose a Sponsor?

ANSWER: You can choose any Sponsor that can help you expand and grow your KEDI business, however, since you got to know KEDI business through your friend, it is advised that you notify her about your interest, and she will get you registered.

7. Can I change Sponsor?

ANSWER: No, you cannot change your Sponsor once you have been registered as a KEDI distributor.

8. How many distributors can one sponsor?

ANSWER: There is no limit to the number of distributors one can sponsor.

9. What if I don’t want to sell products, can I still register?

ANSWER:  Yes, you can still register. By registering to become a KEDI distributor you enjoy the benefit of buying products at distributor price (reduced price). You can also benefit from the KEDI business after you build a chain of network.

10. How do I confirm my membership after registering as a KEDI distributor?

ANSWER:  After submitting your Application Form, you can purchase the product at distributor’s price (reduced price) and you can verify your KEDI distributorship after one (1) month by checking your details on the KEDI App or contact us on +2349042871159.

11. Will I get any educative material after registration?

ANSWER: Yes, after registration you will be given a registration KIT package which contains the KEDI Independent Distributor Manual. The KEDI Independent Distributor Manual contains detailed information about the Company’s products, business, Compensation Plan etc.

12. How much do I need to invest when I become a KEDI distributor?

ANSWER: There is no particular amount that you must invest in the business. KEDI business is a multi-level marketing business and you have the privilege of controlling your business independently. You can earn by buying and selling the products and introducing others to join the business, the more persons you introduce into the business and selling the products, the more you can earn.

13. How much can I earn as a KEDI distributor?

ANSWER: Although KEDI distributors have no earning cap and as a KEDI distributor you have an unlimited earning potential, the amount you earn is based on the efforts you put into the business. There are different sources of income in KEDI business, for example, you can earn retail profit, Direct Bonus, Indirect Bonus, Leadership Bonus, Honorary Bonus etc.

14. What are the benefits of helping my downlines build their network?

ANSWER: When you help your downlines build their network, you will be able to earn Direct Bonus from your direct downlines and Indirect Bonus from your indirect downlines and upgrade your distributorship level. 

15. Can I register a person from a different country?

ANSWER: Yes, you can sponsor someone wishing to register in a different country.

16. Can I get a receipt after registration?

ANSWER: The Application Form used for the registration is in quadruplet, the applicant copy (pink copy) which belongs to the distributor serves as the receipt.

17. Can I correct my registration information that was wrongly entered into the system?

ANSWER:  Yes, you can do that by filling the Customer’s Information Form, attach a scanned copy of your KEDI Membership Card and submit the Application Form to our Customer Care Department. You can also apply for correction by sending an email to our Customer Care Department on kedi.customercare@gmail.com or customercare@kedihealth.com.

18. Can my Application Form be processed if the KEDI number, Sponsor’s KEDI number or Placement’s KEDI number on the Form is incorrect?

ANSWER: No, your Application Form will not be processed if any of the KEDI number, sponsor or placement information on the Application Form is wrong.

19. Can I use my KEDI Membership Card anywhere in the world?

ANSWER: Yes, you can use your KEDI Membership Card anywhere in the world to transact KEDI business. Your KEDI Membership Card entitles you to buy KEDI products at distributor price (reduced price) and accrue Point Value (PV) and Bonus Value (BV) respectively on those orders. Any point you earn in another country will be added to your KEDI network account at the end of the month.

20. Can I continue my KEDI business if I move to another Country?

ANSWER: Yes, you can continue your KEDI business even if you move to another country as you will be able to continue operating your KEDI business in your new location.

21. Can I reapply to become a KEDI distributor?

ANSWER: Yes, after six months of the termination of one’s distributorship, the person can reapply in writing for a new distributorship which is subject to the Company’s approval.


This is a very big opportunity to partner with a multi-national company that has helped many individuals with their business networks. 

Multi-source Income

Sustainable income from different sources such as 20% Company bonus, 20% Sales Profit, Multilevel bonuses, etc

Secured Future

This is another big reason why you need to join Kedi business. Access to Kedi mutual fund and HMO plan

Villa & Car Award

Improved standard of living with Kedi villa and car award. Kedi business is higly rewarding in many ways.

Scholarship Award

Your children are giving scholarship to further their education globally. This is incredible!

Travels & Tours

With Kedi you have access to free international travels for global exposure

Free Training

We have centers across Nigeria where you can be trained free of charge on how to run the business effectively.


Kedi’s vision is to make people’s life better by unleashing the power of healthcare. In Kedi business, every effort counts and has a reward attached to it. Earning 1% of 100 people’s efforts is better and make you closer to your goals than earning 100% of your own effort

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